Monday, June 11, 2007

Misty Turner Young

What's up people?!? It's me... Misty Turner AKA Robin Turner AKA Hot Coffee. What have I been up to since my days at KJLU? I can't believe it's been... well I won't say how long it's been.. but it wasn't last week. Since I graduated I have held several different jobs in television news, newswire services, promotions and marketing. Today, I am back at Lincoln University as the Director of Public Information and University Affairs. There is a Mr. Coffee... well actually he's Mr. Young, who I married in 2004. Together we have a beautiful baby girl who is legally named Sierra, but is better known as Miss Attitude. As an added bonus to finding my husband, I also have another beautiful girl in my life, a stepdaughter named Rayonna. She's a pre-teen, so yes... my house is full of attitude right now. A baby, a tween and a man. Argh. Other than family and work, life is pretty quiet for me. I do miss my Tuesday night shows. I even miss being at the station before the sun even thought about coming up. That had to be because of all the great people who were there. Big hellos to everyone who was at KJLU during my time there. Names popping in my head right now are of course Leslie(News Director Extraordinaire), Mike, Dan, my partner in crimeKraze' 11, Torrez, Tony Knight, B-Love, Jessica, Allyson, Sable... shoot, I'm forgetting names so I'm going to stop here. Anyway, miss you all, even if I can't remember your name right now. Feel free to email me. I love email. It makes me smile.

Here are some photos, including some of my "real live daughter who does exist".

Is it vain to show a picture of myself before my family? Probably so, but you don't know those people. LOL.

Sierra and Mommy.

Our family...