Monday, July 9, 2007

Asha Dunlap

Hi there,
After much ado from Ms. Cross I have finally arrived. Now what can I say. Well first, I graduated from Lincoln in 2005 with a degree in Journalism. I currently work in Jefferson City as the Editor for the Missouri Association of Insurance Agents. My job is challenging on many levels, but I always try not to feed into any negativity and just take one day at a time.

Attending Lincoln has become a treasured memory for me - dancing with Mrs. Ferguson, singing in LUVE (you would think music was my major :). But I also met my husband there and now I have a charming son. He's so friendly and outgoing... I can't figure out where he got it from... I'm extremely into the arts from books to plays to figurines and all types of music. I guess I’m a bit of an old soul (at 25). Hopefully someday I’ll be able to work in a field along those lines. For now I’m a wife and mother, and simply enjoying life’s offerings - waiting anxiously on whatever the future might bring!

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